I used RavenDB-Embedded 2.0.2230 in my application interacted with ASP .Net Web API in different assemblies.
When I set UseEmbeddedHttpServer = tr
When you enable the HttpServer in an EmbeddableDocumentStore ravenDB "hijacks" the webapplication and starts listening on the same port that the application is running.
Oren Eini: When you use UseEmbeddedHttpServer from inside IIS, it takes the port from IIS. You need to set the value again
on https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/ravendb/kYVglEoMncw
The only way to prevent it is either turn-ff the raven http-server or assign it to a different port
int ravenPort = 8181;
var ds = new EmbeddableDocumentStore {
DataDirectory = [DataFolder],
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true,
Configuration = {Port = ravenPort}