Is there a way I can execute some JavaScript code at start-up of my AngularJS application? I have some common code that I need to make sure runs before any of the app directives
You need to use the
function, where the actual method can depend on services. You can inject dependencies as per usual:
var app = angular
.module('demoApp', [])
.run(['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.bodyClass = 'loading';
// Etc. Initialize here.
The example has initialization dependent on $rootScope
, but you can also inject services, etc.
The relevant documentation is rather terse, as are the other (excellent) answers. Let me combine it into a more verbose example, that also shows how to inject a factory
created service in your initializationFn
var app = angular.module('demoApp', []);
// Service that we'll also use in the .run method
app.factory('myService', [function() {
var service = { currentItem: { started: new Date() } };
service.restart = function() {
service.currentItem.started = new Date();
return service;
// For demo purposes
app.controller('demoCtrl', ['$scope', 'myService', function($scope, myService) {
$scope.header = 'Demo!';
$scope.item = myService.currentItem;
$scope.restart = myService.restart;
// This is where your initialization code goes, which
// may depend on services declared on the module.['$window', 'myService', function($window, myService) {
{{ header }}
Current item started: {{ item.started }}