I was studying the Create a feature component tutorial on angular.io and then I noticed the @Input
decorator property:
In this example, hero-detail is a child component, it's meant to be inserted into a parent component which will have the 'hero' data, and that 'hero' data will be passed into the hero-detail component via the hero instance variable marked as an input by the @Input decorator.
Basically the syntax is:
Import the Hero interface from the hero.interface.ts file, this is the definition of the Hero class
import { Hero } from "./hero";
Use an Input decorator to make the following instance variable available to parent components to pass data down.
The hero instance variable itself, which is of type Hero, the interface of which was imported above:
hero: Hero;
A parent component would use this hero-detail child component and pass the hero data into it by inserting it into the html template like this:
Where the parent component has an instance variable named 'hero', which contains the data, and that's passed into the hero-detail component.