I couldn\'t find a way to put a bookmark inside the code in XCode 4. I know about the #pragma mark
thing but it\'s not what I\'m looking for. What I need is somethi
The simplest technique is to use a comment prepended by // TODO and then search, which allows you to jump through the issues from the navigator. Pretty hard to beat that technique.
I personally don't like using break points for bookmarks because it is not easy to enter notes. I use breakpoints as breakpoints, and prefer not to mix them up with bookmarks.
Anyhow, if you want to get a bit fancier you could get xcode to generate warnings // TODO: some message or // FIXME: some message that can be navigated in the issue navigator. I took the instructions below from this site:
Head over to your project's item in the Project Navigator (usually at the very top) Find your target in the list of targets on the left, select it Head over to the "Build Phases" tab. Click the "Add Build Phase" in the bottom right of this screen. In the editor that appears insert the bash script shown below. Now just build and you'll see all your //TODO: and //FIXME: comments have become warnings. I love this technique, it might not be right for everyone, but hope it helps someone. Bash Script For "Run Script" Build Phase
KEYWORDS="TODO:|FIXME:|\?\?\?:|!!!:" find "${SRCROOT}" ( -name ".h" -or -name ".m" ) -print0 | xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($KEYWORDS).*\$" | perl -p -e "s/($KEYWORDS)/ warning: \$1/" You'll also be able to click on each of the warnings in the issue navigator to go right to the file and point in your code where you left the original //TODO: or //FIXME: Extra pro tip: Make sure you're using phrases to describe your //TODO: comments like //TODO: Handle this error gracefully, and things like that. The phrases will show up in the issues list beside each warning. Credit for the little tidbit should go to "Tim" on the Cocos2D forums, (found after Googling for a bit), I believe his solution originally was intended for Xcode 3 and didn't work if you had spaces in your path name, my script here doesn't have those restrictions, still he should get full credit here's his original post.