I\'d like to define a constant char* in my header file for my .cpp file to use. So I\'ve tried this:
static const char *SOMETHING = \"sommething\";
There is a trick you can use with templates to provide H file only constants.
(note, this is an ugly example, but works verbatim in at least in g++ 4.6.1.)
(values.hpp file)
class tValues
static const char* myValue;
template const char* tValues::myValue = "This is a value";
typedef tValues<0> Values;
std::string otherCompUnit(); // test from other compilation unit
#include "values.hpp"
int main()
std::cout << "from main: " << Values::myValue << std::endl;
std::cout << "from other: " << otherCompUnit() << std::endl;
#include "values.hpp"
std::string otherCompUnit () {
return std::string(Values::myValue);
Compile (e.g. g++ -o main main.cpp other.cpp && ./main) and see two compilation units referencing the same constant declared in a header:
from main: This is a value
from other: This is a value
In MSVC, you may instead be able to use __declspec(selectany)
For example:
__declspec(selectany) const char* data = "My data";