I\'ve read about monoid homomorphism from Monoid Morphisms, Products, and Coproducts and could not understand 100%.
The author says (emphasis original):
trait Monoid[T] {
def op(a: T, b: T): T
def zero: T
val strMonoid = new Monoid[String] {
def op(a: String, b: String): String = a ++ b
def zero: String = ""
val lcMonoid = new Monoid[List[Char]] {
def op(a: List[Char], b: List[Char]): List[Char] = a ::: b
def zero = List.empty[Char]
f{M.op(x,y)} = N.op(f(x),g(y))
for example, using toList available on String
//in REPL
scala> strMonoid.op("abc","def").toList == lcMonoid.op("abc".toList,"def".toList)
res4: Boolean = true
given bi-directional homomorphism between monoids M and N,
f{M.op(x,y)} = N.op(f(x),f(y))
g{N.op(x,y)} = M.op(g(x),g(y))
And if both (f andThen g) and (g andThen f) are identify functions, then monoids M and N are isomorphic via f and g
g{f{M.op(x,y)}} = g{N.op(f(x),f(y))} = M.op(g(f(x)),g(f(y))) = M.op(x,y)
for example, using toList
available on String
and toString
available on List[Char]
(where toList andThen toString
and toString andThen toList
are identity functions)
scala> ( strMonoid.op("abc","def").toList ).toString == ( lcMonoid.op("abc".toList,"def".toList) ).toString
res7: Boolean = true