I want to update Bootstrap on a site, but I don\'t know the installed version.
How can I identify the bootstrap version, with only bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.js fil
You can also check the bootstrap version via the javascript console in the browser:
$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.VERSION // => "3.3.7"
Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43233731/1608226
Posting this here because I always come across this question when I forget to include JavaScript in the search and wind up on this question instead of the one above. If this helps you, be sure to upvote that answer as well.
Note: For older versions of bootstrap (less than 3 or so), you'll proably need to search the page's JavaScript or CSS files for the bootstrap version. Just came across this on an app using bootstrap 2.3.2. In this case, the (current) top answer is likely the correct one, you'll need to search the source code for the bootstrap find what version it uses. (Added 9/18/2020, though was in comment since 8/13/2020)