What are some good Xcode scripts to speed up development?

前端 未结 6 519
情深已故 2021-01-31 12:54

Xcode allows you to create automated scripts for performing repetitive tasks. What scripts have you written to speed up development?

  •  情话喂你
    2021-01-31 12:59

    Here's one that I found somewhere else that creates @property (copy) and @synthesize property directives for an instance variable. It could use a bit of improvement (say, to let you synthesize multiple variables at once), but it's better than creating them by hand.

    Select the instance variable you want to create a property for and activate the script.

    If I want a (retain) instead of (copy) I just activate the script and change it to retain manually (it's smart enough to not include the (copy) on primitive types such as int to begin with).

    #! /usr/bin/perl -w
    #Create property from instance variable
    #Entire Document
    #Home Directory
    #Discard Output
    #Display in Alert
    use strict;
    # Get the header file contents from Xcode user scripts
    my $headerFileContents = <<'HEADERFILECONTENTS';
    # Get the indices of the selection from Xcode user scripts
    my $selectionStartIndex = %%%{PBXSelectionStart}%%%;
    my $selectionEndIndex = %%%{PBXSelectionEnd}%%%;
    # Get path of the header file
    my $implementationFilePath = "%%%{PBXFilePath}%%%";
    my $headerFilePath = $implementationFilePath;
    # Look for an implemenation file with a ".m" or ".mm" extension
    $implementationFilePath =~ s/\.[hm]*$/.m/;
    if (!(-e $implementationFilePath))
        $implementationFilePath =~ s/.m$/.mm/;
    # Handle subroutine to trime whitespace off both ends of a string
    sub trim
        my $string = shift;
        $string =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
        return $string;
    # Get the selection out of the header file
    my $selectedText =  substr $headerFileContents, $selectionStartIndex, ($selectionEndIndex - $selectionStartIndex);
    $selectedText = trim $selectedText;
    my $type = "";
    my $asterisk = "";
    my $name = "";
    my $behavior = "";
    # Test that the selection is:
    #  At series of identifiers (the type name and access specifiers)
    #  Possibly an asterisk
    #  Another identifier (the variable name)
    #  A semi-colon
    if (length($selectedText) && ($selectedText =~ /([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\s*)+([\s\*]+)([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*);/))
        $type = $1;
        $type = trim $type;
        $asterisk = $2;
        $asterisk = trim $asterisk;
        $name = $3;
        $behavior = "";
        if (defined($asterisk) && length($asterisk) == 1)
            $behavior = "(copy) "; #"(nonatomic, retain) ";
            $asterisk = "";
        exit 1;
    # Find the closing brace (end of the class variables section)
    my $remainderOfHeader = substr $headerFileContents, $selectionEndIndex;
    my $indexAfterClosingBrace = $selectionEndIndex + index($remainderOfHeader, "\n}\n") + 3;
    if ($indexAfterClosingBrace == -1)
        exit 1;
    # Determine if we need to add a newline in front of the property declaration
    my $leadingNewline = "\n";
    if (substr($headerFileContents, $indexAfterClosingBrace, 1) eq "\n")
        $indexAfterClosingBrace += 1;
        $leadingNewline = "";
    # Determine if we need to add a newline after the property declaration
    my $trailingNewline = "\n";
    if (substr($headerFileContents, $indexAfterClosingBrace, 9) eq "\@property")
        $trailingNewline = "";
    # Create and insert the propert declaration
    my $propertyDeclaration = $leadingNewline . "\@property " . $behavior . $type . " " . $asterisk . $name . ";\n" . $trailingNewline;
    substr($headerFileContents, $indexAfterClosingBrace, 0) = $propertyDeclaration;
    my $replaceFileContentsScript = <<'REPLACEFILESCRIPT';
    on run argv
        set fileAlias to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)
        set newDocText to (item 2 of argv)
        tell application "Xcode"
            set doc to open fileAlias
            set text of doc to newDocText
        end tell
    end run
    # Use Applescript to replace the contents of the header file
    # (I could have used the "Output" of the Xcode user script instead)
    system 'osascript', '-e', $replaceFileContentsScript, $headerFilePath, $headerFileContents;
    # Stop now if the implementation file can't be found
    if (!(-e $implementationFilePath))
        exit 1;
    my $getFileContentsScript = <<'GETFILESCRIPT';
    on run argv
        set fileAlias to POSIX file (item 1 of argv)
        tell application "Xcode"
            set doc to open fileAlias
            set docText to text of doc
        end tell
        return docText
    end run
    # Get the contents of the implmentation file
    open(SCRIPTFILE, '-|') || exec 'osascript', '-e', $getFileContentsScript, $implementationFilePath;
    my $implementationFileContents = do {local $/; };
    # Look for the class implementation statement
    if (length($implementationFileContents) && ($implementationFileContents =~ /(\@implementation [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\n)/))
        my $matchString = $1;
        my $indexAfterMatch = index($implementationFileContents, $matchString) + length($matchString);
        # Determine if we want a newline before the synthesize statement
        $leadingNewline = "\n";
        if (substr($implementationFileContents, $indexAfterMatch, 1) eq "\n")
            $indexAfterMatch += 1;
            $leadingNewline = "";
        # Determine if we want a newline after the synthesize statement
        $trailingNewline = "\n";
        if (substr($implementationFileContents, $indexAfterMatch, 11) eq "\@synthesize")
            $trailingNewline = "";
        # Create and insert the synthesize statement 
        my $synthesizeStatement = $leadingNewline . "\@synthesize " . $name . ";\n" . $trailingNewline;
        substr($implementationFileContents, $indexAfterMatch, 0) = $synthesizeStatement;
        # Use Applescript to replace the contents of the implementation file in Xcode
        system 'osascript', '-e', $replaceFileContentsScript, $implementationFilePath, $implementationFileContents;
    exit 0;
