Hi somebody please help me out, I’m trying to setup a cakephp environment on a Centos server running Nginx with Fact CGI. I already have a wordpress site running on the server a
Please use below code in
vi /etc/nginx/sites-available/domainname.com
server {
server_name cakeapp.example.com;
root /var/www/vhosts/cake/app/webroot;
access_log /var/log/nginx/cakeapp.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/cakeapp.error.log;
listen 80;
rewrite_log on;
# rewrite rules for cakephp
location / {
index index.php index.html;
# If the file exists as a static file serve it
# directly without running all
# the other rewite tests on it
if (-f $request_filename) {
if (!-f $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/(.+)$ /index.php?url=$1 last;
location ~* \favicon.ico$ {
expires 6m;
location ~ ^/img/ {
expires 7d;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $host;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
Its working for me.