I have a rectangular target of known dimensions and location on a wall, and a mobile camera on a robot. As the robot is driving around the room, I need to locate the target and
You get the translation and rotation vectors from solvePnP, which are telling where is the object in camera's coordinates. You need to get an inverse transform.
The transform camera -> object can be written as a matrix [R T;0 1]
for homogeneous coordinates. The inverse of this matrix would be, using it's special properties, [R^t -R^t*T;0 1]
where R^t is R transposed. You can get R matrix from Rodrigues transform. This way You get the translation vector and rotation matrix for transformation object->camera coordiantes.
If You know where the object lays in the world coordinates You can use the world->object transform * object->camera transform matrix to extract cameras translation and pose.
The pose is described either by single vector or by the R matrix, You surely will find it in Your book. If it's "Learning OpenCV" You will find it on pages 401 - 402 :)
Looking at Your code, You need to do something like this
cv::Mat R;
cv::Rodrigues(rotation_vector, R);
cv::Mat cameraRotationVector;
cv::Mat cameraTranslationVector = -R.t()*translation_vector;
contains camera coordinates. cameraRotationVector
contains camera pose.