None, that I've seen.
Sure, there are "new" languages popping up all the time. But I used the scare-quotes because all the examples usually offered are:
- repackaging (into another language) ideas that have been in Computing Science and Mathematics for decades, or
- languages/techniques which are older than that, but only recently "discovered" by the "mainstream" world.
For concrete examples:
- Lambda calculus goes back to Mathematics and logic in the 1930s,
- functional programming goes back to LISP in the late 1950s,
- John Backus discussed FP in his 1977 Turing Award lecture (pdf),
- John Hughes' paper Why Functional Programming Matters was written in 1984,
- comprehensions go back to set theory in the 1870s and SETL in the 1960s,
- parser combinators were promoted by Phil Wadler in the mid 1980s and go back to combinatory logic in the 1920s,
- and so on.
The work of promoting, popularizing, applying, and refining these (and many other) important ideas is worthwhile. But that doesn't make those uses truly innovative.
Of course, I will be delighted if anyone can provide an example of a truly original concept in programming that didn't exist ten years ago.