I am confused as to when I can use the DOM properties and when I could use the Jquery methods on a Jquery object. Say, I use a selector
var $elemSel = $(\'#myDi
You'll need to .get(0) the result to get the DOM-ready object.
var myBox = $("div#myBox");
alert(myBox.get(0).id); // "myBox"
Read "Peeling Away the jQuery Wrapper and Finding an Array" by Cody Lindley
Re: Edit: .is()
is not a native javascript method. When you run .get(0)
, you are no longer working off of the jQuery object, therefore you cannot expect to run jQuery methods from it.
If you want to run .is()
on a specific result, use the :eq(index) selector, or the .eq(index) method:
$("div:eq(1)").is(":checked"); // gets second div
$("div").eq(1).is(":checked"); // gets second div
Re: Edit # 2
Bob, you really should create new questions, rather than asking more and more here.
Converting a dom element to jquery object is done by passing it in a selector:
var myBox = document.createElement("div");
var myBoxJQ = $(myBox);
Assinging This
to a variable. Depends on when you do it. If by "this" you're referring to a jQuery object, then this
will be a jQuery object. You can convert it by following this
with .get(0)
When this
is referring to a jQuery object, you don't need to wrap it in the $(). This is redundant.
And lastly, $elemSel.children('td').nodeName
can be done like this: $elemSel.children('td')[0].nodeName
, where the 0 is the index of which item to access.