I am working on a task, in which I have to download a report in xlsx format. The report file is generated successfully from server, and is received on client side as well.
first install these module
import * as Excel from 'exceljs';
import * as fs from 'file-saver';
In your function write these
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('sheet');
worksheet.columns = [
{ header: 'Id', key: 'id', width: 10 },
{ header: 'Name', key: 'name', width: 32 }
var buff = workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer().then(function (data) {
var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'});
fs.saveAs(blob, "publications.xlsx");
Fs is used to access file system and download file. You can also insert img https://www.npmjs.com/package/exceljs#images