I picked up Mirabyte's Touch Controls v1.0 offering on the weekend.
[Version 1.5 has now been released]
The positive:
- When you get it working, it can look
very nice and the kinetic scrolling
is nice.
- You get swiping left and right to
go back and forth.
- Questions asked on the forum seem
to be answered pretty quickly.
- You can do alpha transparent images using
their resource based image
- They seem to be doing a lot of work
to improve things requested on the
The negative
- The architecture used in the demo
isn't what I consider best practice.
(There's a single PageHandler class
that handles everything from spinning
up buttons, pages, menus etc that's
split using partial classes across 5
- There's no documentation or comments.
- The mechanisms for using transparent
images are heavily reliant on strings, lack of dynamic ways of using your own images.
- It's a very list based UI you're
likely to end up with which may or
may not be to your taste.
- Few entry points for inherited
controls, no source.
All in all, I'd recommend them, they give you a nice way of creating iPhone like UIs.
Just be aware there are still teething problems and a lack of documentation.