Anyone have trouble with the Activity Recognition API in the recent Google Play Services update?
I have it implemented in an app. It was working perfectly fine before th
activities come in as secondary activities in a list (ActivityRecognitionResult.getProbableActivities()), and you'll need to parse them out.
// Get the update
ActivityRecognitionResult result = ActivityRecognitionResult.extractResult(intent);
// Get the most probable activity from the list of activities in the update
DetectedActivity mostProbableActivity = result.getMostProbableActivity();
// Get the type of activity
int activityType = mostProbableActivity.getType();
if (activityType == DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT) {
DetectedActivity betterActivity = walkingOrRunning(result.getProbableActivities());
if (null != betterActivity)
mostProbableActivity = betterActivity;
private DetectedActivity walkingOrRunning(List probableActivities) {
DetectedActivity myActivity = null;
int confidence = 0;
for (DetectedActivity activity : probableActivities) {
if (activity.getType() != DetectedActivity.RUNNING && activity.getType() != DetectedActivity.WALKING)
if (activity.getConfidence() > confidence)
myActivity = activity;
return myActivity;
I tested the above code this evening, both walking and running and it seemed to do fairly well. If you don't explicitly filter on only RUNNING
, you will likely get erroneous results.
Below is a full method for handling new activity results. I pulled this straight out of the sample app, and have been testing it for a couple of days with good results.
* Called when a new activity detection update is available.
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
Log.d(TAG, "onHandleIntent");
// Get a handle to the repository
mPrefs = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(
// Get a date formatter, and catch errors in the returned timestamp
try {
mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.date_format_error));
// Format the timestamp according to the pattern, then localize the pattern
// If the intent contains an update
if (ActivityRecognitionResult.hasResult(intent)) {
// Get the update
ActivityRecognitionResult result = ActivityRecognitionResult.extractResult(intent);
// Log the update
// Get the most probable activity from the list of activities in the update
DetectedActivity mostProbableActivity = result.getMostProbableActivity();
// Get the confidence percentage for the most probable activity
int confidence = mostProbableActivity.getConfidence();
// Get the type of activity
int activityType = mostProbableActivity.getType();
Log.d(TAG, "acitivty: " + getNameFromType(activityType));
if (confidence >= 50) {
String mode = getNameFromType(activityType);
if (activityType == DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT) {
DetectedActivity betterActivity = walkingOrRunning(result.getProbableActivities());
if (null != betterActivity)
mode = getNameFromType(betterActivity.getType());
private DetectedActivity walkingOrRunning(List probableActivities) {
DetectedActivity myActivity = null;
int confidence = 0;
for (DetectedActivity activity : probableActivities) {
if (activity.getType() != DetectedActivity.RUNNING && activity.getType() != DetectedActivity.WALKING)
if (activity.getConfidence() > confidence)
myActivity = activity;
return myActivity;
* Map detected activity types to strings
* @param activityType The detected activity type
* @return A user-readable name for the type
private String getNameFromType(int activityType) {
switch (activityType) {
case DetectedActivity.IN_VEHICLE:
return "in_vehicle";
case DetectedActivity.ON_BICYCLE:
return RIDE;
case DetectedActivity.RUNNING:
return RUN;
case DetectedActivity.WALKING:
return "walking";
case DetectedActivity.ON_FOOT:
return "on_foot";
case DetectedActivity.STILL:
return "still";
case DetectedActivity.TILTING:
return "tilting";
return "unknown";