What is the simplest way to create a row/column/grid of plots, with the whole grid having a single FrameLabel?
I need something similar to this:
p := Lis
Here is one option I just put together. Its advantage is that it is simple.
I like the look of yoda's LevelScheme plots better, assuming those can be done for a grid as well.
p := ListPlot[RandomInteger[10, 5], Joined -> True, Axes -> False,
Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {0, 11}, AspectRatio -> 1]
gg = GraphicsGrid[{{p, p, p}, {p, p, p}, Graphics /@ Text /@ {"Left", "Center", "Right"}},
Spacings -> 5, ItemAspectRatio -> {{1, 1, 0.15}}];
Labeled[gg, Rotate["vertical", Pi/2], Left]