I would like to identify linear features, such as roads and rivers, on raster maps and convert them to a linear spatial object (SpatialLines
class) using R.
Thanks to @klewis at gis.stackexchange.com for linking to this elegant algorithm for finding the centre line (in response to a related question I asked there).
The process requires finding the coordinates on the edge of a polygon describing the linear feature and performing a Voronoi tessellation of those points. The coordinates of the Voronoi tiles that fall within the polygon of the linear feature fall on the centre line. Turn these points into a line.
Voronoi tessellation is done really efficiently in R using the deldir
package, and intersections of polygons and points with the rgeos
## Find points on boundary of rPoly (see question)
rPolyPts <- coordinates(as(as(rPoly, "SpatialLinesDataFrame"),
## Perform Voronoi tessellation of those points and extract coordinates of tiles
rVoronoi <- tile.list(deldir(rPolyPts[, 1], rPolyPts[,2]))
rVoronoiPts <- SpatialPoints(do.call(rbind,
lapply(rVoronoi, function(x) cbind(x$x, x$y))))
## Find the points on the Voronoi tiles that fall inside
## the linear feature polygon
## N.B. That the width parameter may need to be adjusted if coordinate
## system is fractional (i.e. if longlat), but must be negative, and less
## than the dimension of a cell on the original raster.
rLinePts <- gIntersection(gBuffer(rPoly, width=-1), rVoronoiPts)
## Create SpatialLines object
rLine <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(rLinePts), ID="1")))
The resulting SpatialLines object: