Hello I am using pdftk to generate a PDF based on a form that is submitted.
I have everything working fine until here. Which is adding an image of a signature. I am usi
First convert the image to PDF
convert image.png image.pdf
Then scale up and offset the image using pdfjam (another free tool)
pdfjam --paper 'a4paper' --scale 0.3 --offset '7cm -12cm' image.pdf
Then combine both PDFs using pdftk
pdftk text.pdf stamp image.pdf output combined.pdf
You may need to download STAMPtk if you need to position the image and add it to only one page in the general PDF, but this one you have to pay for it.
You can download STAMPtk from here http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/stamptk-the-pdf-stamp-maker/
I hope it helps!