Java was initially slow before the JIT but today performance is pretty close to C++. I want to know if someone has done measurable performance comparisons between the two langu
To me, this question is a bit of a red herring (perhaps not intentional). Its really the wrong question to ask.
The first questions to ask are these
Here are some good 'why' questions
I suspect that you really need to focus on the Performance aspects of your program (with a capital 'P') instea od the performance (little 'p') aspects first. If you can get to the point where the language is in the way, then you have done a really good job to that point with respect to performance.
For new code - its important to plan for performance and efficiency up front. I always recomend that performance and efficiency treated just like any other feature (they are features): just like UI bling, or reliability. Of course this will depend on many things - but when its important you need to plan for it up front:
The reason I think this is a red herring is that rarely does one just get to choose between C++ and Java - they are very, very diffrent languages with very different run times. I suspect is is more usual that you have other constraints pushing you one way or other - these will be higher order factors than language performance. Computability with existing code, skills and experience of the exiting staff, etc. etc.
The environment makes a difference too. For example, Java would almost never be the right choice for a widows client (vs. a web) application. Conversely, native C++ would almost never be the choice for a web based app. (note, I am a windows guy - the situation may be very diffretnt in *nix).