Has anyone seen a decent answer to this problem?
seems to be being called for all visible cells, not just
I found this blog post by Mark Pospesel to be helpful.
The author also fixed WWDC CircleLayout
sample and posted it on Github.
Methods of interest:
- (void)prepareForCollectionViewUpdates:(NSArray *)updateItems
// Keep track of insert and delete index paths
[super prepareForCollectionViewUpdates:updateItems];
self.deleteIndexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];
self.insertIndexPaths = [NSMutableArray array];
for (UICollectionViewUpdateItem *update in updateItems)
if (update.updateAction == UICollectionUpdateActionDelete)
[self.deleteIndexPaths addObject:update.indexPathBeforeUpdate];
else if (update.updateAction == UICollectionUpdateActionInsert)
[self.insertIndexPaths addObject:update.indexPathAfterUpdate];
- (void)finalizeCollectionViewUpdates
[super finalizeCollectionViewUpdates];
// release the insert and delete index paths
self.deleteIndexPaths = nil;
self.insertIndexPaths = nil;
// Note: name of method changed
// Also this gets called for all visible cells (not just the inserted ones) and
// even gets called when deleting cells!
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath
// Must call super
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes = [super initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItemAtIndexPath:itemIndexPath];
if ([self.insertIndexPaths containsObject:itemIndexPath])
// only change attributes on inserted cells
if (!attributes)
attributes = [self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:itemIndexPath];
// Configure attributes ...
attributes.alpha = 0.0;
attributes.center = CGPointMake(_center.x, _center.y);
return attributes;
// Note: name of method changed
// Also this gets called for all visible cells (not just the deleted ones) and
// even gets called when inserting cells!
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)itemIndexPath
// So far, calling super hasn't been strictly necessary here, but leaving it in
// for good measure
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes = [super finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItemAtIndexPath:itemIndexPath];
if ([self.deleteIndexPaths containsObject:itemIndexPath])
// only change attributes on deleted cells
if (!attributes)
attributes = [self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:itemIndexPath];
// Configure attributes ...
attributes.alpha = 0.0;
attributes.center = CGPointMake(_center.x, _center.y);
attributes.transform3D = CATransform3DMakeScale(0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
return attributes;