I have these classes:
class Family(object):
__slot__ = [\'father\', \'var1\']
def __init__(self, father, var1 = 1):
self.father, self.var1 = fath
__getstate__ should return a picklable object (such as a tuple) with enough information to reconstruct the instance.
__setstate__ should expect to receive the same object, and use it to reconfigure the instance.
For example:
import cPickle as pickle
class Family(object):
__slots__ = ['father', 'var1']
def __init__(self, father, var1 = 1):
self.father, self.var1 = father, var1
def __getstate__(self):
return self.father, self.var1
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.father, self.var1 = state
foo = Family('father',1)
foo.var1 = 2
foo_pickled = pickle.dumps(foo)
foo2 = pickle.loads(foo_pickled)
# <__main__.Family object at 0xb77037ec>
# 2