I have an app with a ng-view that sends emails to contact selected from a contact list. When the users select \"Recipient\" it shows another view/page where he can search, filte
I'm not sure if this is recommended or not, but I created a StateService to save/load properties from my controllers' scopes. It looks like this:
'use strict';
angular.module('app').service('StateService', function(){
var _states = {};
var _save = function(name, scope, fields){
_states[name] = {};
for(var i=0; i
To use it, I put some code at the end of my controller like this:
angular.module('app').controller('ExampleCtrl', ['$scope', 'StateService', function ($scope, StateService) {
$scope.keyword = '';
$scope.people = [];
var saveStateFields = ['keyword','people'];
$scope = StateService.load('ExampleCtrl', $scope, saveStateFields);
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
StateService.save('ExampleCtrl', $scope, saveStateFields);