I\'m struggling to understand this (I\'m still a bit new to Haskell) but I\'m finding the documentation for the Text.JSON
package to be a little confusing. Basicall
I support the answer by @tibbe. However, I would like to add How you check put some default value in case, the argument misses in the JSON provided.
In tibbe's answer you can do the following:
Tweet <$> v .: "from_user"
<*> v .:? "to_user_id" .!= "some user here"
<*> v .: "profile_image_url" .!= "url to image"
<*> v .: "created_at"
<*> v .: "id_str" != 232131
<*> v .: "source"
this will the dafault parameters to be taken while parsing the JSON.