I have a problem. I need to stop the execution of a function for a while, but not stop the implementation of parsing as a whole. That is, I need a non-blocking pause.
The asker already provides an answer in the question's update, but I want to give a slightly better version so it's reusable for any request.
# removed...
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
# removed...
def request_with_pause(self, response):
d = defer.Deferred()
reactor.callLater(response.meta['time'], d.callback, scrapy.Request(
dont_filter=True, meta={'dont_proxy':response.meta['dont_proxy']}))
return d
def parse(self, response):
# removed....
yield scrapy.Request(the_url, meta={
'time': 86400,
'callback': self.the_parse,
'dont_proxy': True
}, callback=self.request_with_pause)
For explanation, Scrapy use Twisted to manage the request asynchronously, so we need Twisted's tool to do a delayed request too.