This might sound silly but when i\'m working with sizes in Xcode, the total frame size is equal to 320 * 568 ( width * height ). I\'m fine with that. But the resolution of the p
Xcode uses points. But in case of next explanation what is point and how much pixels in point -> it depends what retina device are you using. Basicaly on non-retina devices 1 point = 1pixel. On iphone 6plus and newer "plus" models, apple added 3x resolution.
On normal retina devices 1 point = 4 pixels, NOT 2!! then apple packing that pixels into point. At iPhone plus models apple also uses downsampling with factor 1.15 which means for example, if you have 1242*2208 then it should be devided on 1.15 and you get your 1080*1920 fullHD on your device.
I believe that the top answer, which is:
It uses points. In retina devices, 1 point equals two pixels. In non-retina devices, 1 points equals 1 pixel.
is wrong because of outdate. I provided a link to