Would there be a way to plot the borders of the continents with Basemap (or without Basemap, if there is some other way), without those annoying rivers coming along? Especially
If you're OK with plotting outlines rather than shapefiles, it's pretty easy to plot coastlines that you can get from wherever. I got my coastlines from the NOAA Coastline Extractor in MATLAB format: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/shorelines.html
To edit the coastlines, I converted to SVG, then edited them with Inkscape, then converted back to the lat/lon text file ("MATLAB" format).
All Python code is included below.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_lines(mymap, lons, lats, **kwargs) :
"""Plots a custom coastline. This plots simple lines, not
ArcInfo-style SHAPE files.
lons: Longitude coordinates for line segments (degrees E)
lats: Latitude coordinates for line segments (degrees N)
Type Info:
len(lons) == len(lats)
A NaN in lons and lats signifies a new line segment.
# Project onto the map
x, y = mymap(lons, lats)
# BUG workaround: Basemap projects our NaN's to 1e30.
x[x==1e30] = np.nan
y[y==1e30] = np.nan
# Plot projected line segments.
mymap.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
# Read "Matlab" format files from NOAA Coastline Extractor.
# See: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/
def read_coastline(fname, take_every=1) :
nlines = 0
xdata = array.array('d')
ydata = array.array('d')
for line in file(fname) :
# if (nlines % 10000 == 0) :
# print 'nlines = %d' % (nlines,)
if (nlines % take_every == 0 or line[0:3] == 'nan') :
match = lineRE.match(line)
lon = float(match.group(1))
lat = float(match.group(2))
nlines = nlines + 1
return (np.array(xdata),np.array(ydata))
def drawcoastline_file(mymap, fname, **kwargs) :
"""Reads and plots a coastline file.
lons, lats = read_coastline(fname, take_every=1)
return drawcoastline(mymap, lons, lats, **kwargs)
# =========================================================
# coastline2svg.py
import giss.io.noaa
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
svg_header = """