I want my exception handlers and debug functions to be able to print call stack backtraces, basically just like the backtrace() library function in glibc. Unfortunately, my C li
gcc does return optimization. In func1() and func2() it does not call func2()/func3() - instead of this, it jumps to func2()/func3(), so func3() can return immediately to main().
In your case, func1() and func2() do not need to setup a stack frame, but if they would do (e.g. for local variables), gcc still can do the optimization if the function call is the last instruction - it then cleans up the stack before the jump to func3().
Have a look at the generated assembler code to see it.
To verify that this is the reason, do something after the function call, that cannot be reordered by the compiler (e.g. using a return value). Or just try compiling with -O0.