Goal: Create behaviors using directives with communication between 2 sibling elements (each their own directive).
A behavior to use in example: The article content is hi
None of the directive require
options will allow you to require sibling directives (as far as I know). You can only:
require: "directiveName"
require: "^directiveName"
require: "^?directiveName"
if you don't necessarily need the parent controllerrequire: "^\?directiveName"
if you don't necessarily need the parent DOM wrapperIf you want sibling to sibling communication, you'll have to house them in some parent DOM element with a directive controller acting as an API for their communication. How this is implemented is largely dependent on the context at hand.
Here is a good example from Angular JS (O Reilly)
app.directive('accordion', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
template: '',
controller: function() {
var expanders = [];
this.gotOpened = function(selectedExpander) {
angular.forEach(expanders, function(expander) {
if(selectedExpander != expander) {
expander.showMe = false;
this.addExpander = function(expander) {
app.directive('expander', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
require: '^?accordion',
scope: { title:'@' },
template: '
link: function(scope, element, attrs, accordionController) {
scope.showMe = false;
scope.toggle = function toggle() {
scope.showMe = !scope.showMe;
Usage (jade templating):
expander(title="An expander") Woohoo! You can see mme
expander(title="Hidden") I was hidden!
expander(title="Stop Work") Seriously, I am going to stop working now.