The issue is, if IE (6.0+) , has flash content embedded in it, and the url of the page has a # somewhere in it, then when the flash content loads ,or if the user interacts with
The following workaround is the only way (till now) , that I got nearest to solving the issue:
var isIE11OrGreater = !!(navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/));
if (!isIE11OrGreater) {
var originalTitle = document.title.split("#")[0];
document.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function (evt) {
if(evt.propertyName === 'title' && document.title !== originalTitle) {
setTimeout(function () {
document.title = originalTitle;
}, 1);
//Incase the developer wants to change the title manually, instead of directly using //document.title=newtitle, he will need to use changeTitle(newTitle)
function changeTitle(newTitle)
originalTitle = newTitle;
document.title = newtitle;