I need to customize the active admin layout, but how can I do it?
(Using rails 5.1.4) I tried two solutions here that involved messing with the active_admin library, and they did not work for me at all. I found my solution in config/initializers/active_admin.rb
. I am adding a small amount of bootstrap styling to the default layout. As far as linking to stylesheets, javascripts, etc., it was as simple as adding this to my active_admin.rb, as per the comments therein:
# == Register Stylesheets & Javascripts
# We recommend using the built in Active Admin layout and loading
# up your own stylesheets / javascripts to customize the look
# and feel.
# To load a stylesheet:
# config.register_stylesheet 'my_stylesheet.css'
config.register_stylesheet 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css', { integrity: 'sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk', crossorigin: 'anonymous' }
As far as editing that generated layout, I have yet to figure it out, but it could at least be done indirectly via JavaScript and the inclusion of that javascipt in this file via
config.register_javascript 'active_admin_view_tweaks.js', { defer: true }
I am going to be editing class attributes to make my pages responsive with bootstrap, so I might follow something like this geeksforgeeks article to edit the pages with JavaScript after they've loaded.
I don't know if there is a way to edit the generated layout more directly, but this should work for some cases.