Look at this Javascript api for creating sheet music using html5 canvas.
UPDATED (18 March 2014)
And then:
var canvas = $("div.three div.a canvas")[0];
var renderer = new Vex.Flow.Renderer(canvas,
var ctx = renderer.getContext();
var stave = new Vex.Flow.Stave(10, 0, 500);
// Add a treble clef
var notes = [
// Dotted eighth E##
new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ["e##/5"], duration: "8d" }).
addAccidental(0, new Vex.Flow.Accidental("##")).addDotToAll(),
// Sixteenth Eb
new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ["eb/5"], duration: "16" }).
addAccidental(0, new Vex.Flow.Accidental("b")),
// Half D
new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ["d/5"], duration: "h" }),
// Quarter Cm#5
new Vex.Flow.StaveNote({ keys: ["c/5", "eb/5", "g#/5"], duration: "q" }).
addAccidental(1, new Vex.Flow.Accidental("b")).
addAccidental(2, new Vex.Flow.Accidental("#"))
// Helper function to justify and draw a 4/4 voice
Vex.Flow.Formatter.FormatAndDraw(ctx, stave, notes);
This will produce:
Hope it helps!