What is the \"proper\" of writing the standard read-while loop in Scala? By proper I mean written in a Scala-like way as opposed to a Java-like way.
Here is the code I
What about a curried function? You 11 lines of Scala code become:
val md = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashInfo.algorithm)
val input = new FileInputStream("file")
iterateStream(input){ (data, length) =>
md.update(data, 0, length)
The iterateStream
function on line 3, which you could add to a library is:
def iterateStream(input: InputStream)(f: (Array[Byte], Int) => Unit){
val buffer = new Array[Byte](512)
var curr = input.read(buffer)
while(curr != -1){
f(buffer, curr)
curr = input.read(buffer)
The ugly duplicated code (where the input is read) ends up in the library, well tested and hidden away from the programmer. I feel that the first block of code is less complex than the Iterator.continually