In yii2 how can i save multiple related records into db into single save call and single transaction. I have two tables:
User - id, name
UserAddress - id , user_
Additionally to previous answer I propose variant that works without preliminarily defined relations and with explicit handling of validation errors.
$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Name';
if( !$user->save() ){
throw new Exception('Can\'t be saved user model. Errors: '. join(', ', $user->getFirstErrors()));
$userAddress = new UserAddress();
$userAddress->city = 'City';
$userAddress->user_id = $user->id;
if( !$userAddress->save() ){
throw new Exception('Can\'t be saved user address model. Errors: '. join(', ', $userAddress->getFirstErrors()));
This code strictly ensures that both records will be saved. If one of model can't be saved, will be thrown exception with validation error.