I am trying to use windbg to research a hang dump file created on an x64 machine for our x86 process. This is a 4.0 x86 application, so just to get an unmanaged stack, I had to
I've always followed the recommendation of the bitness matching but never knew exactly why until I came across this article: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2013/05/01/net-crash-dump-and-live-process-inspection.aspx which states:
"The DAC has a standardized interface and is used by the debugger to obtain information about the state of those abstractions, for example, the managed heap. It is essential to use the DAC that matches the CLR version and the architecture of the process or crash dump you want to inspect."
"Note that the DAC is a native DLL and must be loaded into the program that uses ClrMD. If the dump or the live process is 32-bit, you must use the 32-bit version of the DAC, which, in turn, means that your inspection program needs to be 32-bit as well. The same is true for 64-bit processes. Make sure that your program’s platform matches what you are debugging."