I have 3 tables in SQLite database:
_id | name | length | artist_id (foreign key) | album_id (foreign key)
Try this select, may by the Artists
is more important than others, so the Songs
come trough Artists
and Albums
from Songs
Songs._id AS song_id,
Songs.name AS song_name,
Songs.artist_id AS artist_id,
Artists.name AS artist_name,
Songs.album_id AS album_id,
Albums.name AS album_name
LEFT JOIN Songs ON Songs.artist_id = Artists._id
LEFT JOIN Albums ON Songs.album_id = Albums._id
Also if there is no entry in Songs
belonging to a particular artist or no entry in Albums
belonging to a particular song, you will still get the artist entry thanks to the LEFT JOIN
. If you would like to return only artists with songs and albums, use JOIN