I\'m having trouble testing a ViewSet:
class ViewSetTest(TestCase):
def test_view_set(self):
factory = APIRequestFactory()
view = CatViewSet.
I had the same issue, and was able to find a solution.
Looking at the source code, it looks like the view expects there to be an argument 'actions' that has a method items ( so, a dict ).
This is where the error you're getting is coming from. You'll have to specify the argument actions with a dict containing the allowed actions for that viewset, and then you'll be able to test the viewset properly.
The general mapping goes:
'get': 'retrieve',
'put': 'update',
'patch': 'partial_update',
'delete': 'destroy'
In your case you'll want {'get': 'retrieve'} Like so:
class ViewSetTest(TestCase):
def test_view_set(self):
factory = APIRequestFactory()
view = CatViewSet.as_view(actions={'get': 'retrieve'}) # <-- Changed line
cat = Cat(name="bob")
request = factory.get(reverse('cat-detail', args=(cat.pk,)))
response = view(request)
EDIT: You'll actually need to specify the required actions. Changed code and comments to reflect this.