When dealing with debugging queries using Profiler and SSMS, its pretty common for me to copy a query from Profiler and test them in SSMS. Because I use parameterized sql, my q
I faced with this problem too and wrote simple application for solving it - ClipboardSqlFormatter. This is a tray application that listens clipboard input events and tries to detect and convert dynamic sql to static sql.
Anything you need is to copy dynamic sql (from sql profiler for example) and paste to text editor - pasted sql will be a static sql :)
For example, if copied sql is:
exec sp_executesql N' SELECT "obj"."CreateDateTime", "obj"."LastEditDateTime" FROM LDERC
"doc" INNER JOIN LDObject "obj" ON ("doc"."ID" = "obj"."ID") LEFT OUTER JOIN LDJournal
"ContainerID.jrn" ON ("doc"."JournalID" = "ContainerID.jrn"."ID") WHERE ( "doc"."ID"
= @V0 AND ( "doc"."StateID" <> 5 AND "ContainerID.jrn"."Name" <> ''Hidden journal''
) ) ',N'@V0 bigint',@V0=6815463'
then pasted sql will be:
SELECT "obj"."CreateDateTime"
INNER JOIN LDObject "obj" ON ("doc"."ID" = "obj"."ID")
LEFT OUTER JOIN LDJournal "ContainerID.jrn" ON ("doc"."JournalID" = "ContainerID.jrn"."ID")
"doc"."ID" = 6815463
"doc"."StateID" <> 5
AND "ContainerID.jrn"."Name" <> 'Hidden journal'