I am trying to deploy using Team Build 2010 to a Windows Server 2008 R2 web server. My build server agent is setup to run under a Windows domain account. I have successfully gi
If it is failing using NTLM then the team build service agent needs to be given permission to your site to allow non-administrators to connect to the site or application deployment server access. You can configure this under Management Service .
You might want to also take a look at configuring the web deployment provider settings. Web Deploy Provider Settings
If the wmsvc provider setting is specified, the default authentication type is Basic; otherwise, the default authentication type is NTLM.
You could also encrypted your password using the encryptPassword parameter and configuring the setup on the hosted server if you are wanted to use basic authentication type.
This error code can surface because of a number of different reasons. It typically indicates an authentication or authorization problem, and can happen because of any of hte following reasons:
If connecting using the Web Management Service:
If connecting using the Remote Agent Service: