I\'m trying to get the hang of Django URL namespaces. But I can\'t find any examples or documentation.
Here is what I have tried.
from d
There seems to be no direct way to do it. I would use a similiar solution as you introduced using a template tag, though I found a more generic way. I used the fact that you can pass optional parameters in your url conf, so you can keep track of the namespace:
from django.conf.urls import defaults
urlpatterns = defaults.patterns('',
defaults.url(r'^foo/', include('sub_urls', namespace='foo', app_name='myapp'),
defaults.url(r'^bar/', include('sub_urls', namespace='bar', app_name='myapp'),
That also violates the DRY principle, but not much though :)
Then in your view you get the namespace variable (sub_urls.py would be the same):
from django import shortcuts
def myvew(request, namespace):
context = dict(namespace=namespace)
return shortcuts.render_to_response('mytemplate.html', context)
Later you just need a simple tag you pass your namespace variable and view name to:
from django import template
from django.core import urlresolvers
register = template.Library()
def namespace_url(namespace, view_name):
return urlresolvers.reverse('%s:%s' % (namespace, view_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)))
and use it in the template (make sure to pass your view name as a string, and not as a template variable):
{% load tags %}
{% namespace_url namespace "view1"%}
Thanks for your hint btw.. I was looking for sth. like this.