I\'m a little confused on how I should handle singular and plural routes and controllers in my web application.
The website is a simple quotes site - think Einstein, Sha
Name of controller can be plural or singular based on the logic it executes. Most likely we keep controller name as singular because ProductController sounds little better than ProductsController.
/product/list or /products/list
/product/add or /products/add
You can use both. But you must keep consistency and you should not mix them. Either all URL should be plural for every entity types or all should be singular.
In ASP.NET sample, they have used Singular controller names Such as HomeController, AccountController. In case of HomeController you can't use HomesController because that no longer represents current site Home.
With regards to logic, mostly we create Controller per database entity, in which we infer that Controller represents Actions to be performed on "Entity" So it is good to use Singular controller name and there is no harm.
Only if you want to create set of Controller representing collection of something that should look like or map to plural database table names then you can name that as plural.