I have been building a single page app using requireJS and so far loving it. I have come to the point of developing other parts of the site outside of the main app and am not re
The requirejs team has some samples for multipage applications on github. Have a look at: https://github.com/requirejs/example-multipage
Basically you are going to have the following structure:
page1.html: page 1 of the app.
page2.html: page 2 of the app.
js app: the directory to store app-specific modules.
lib: the directory to hold third party modules, like jQuery.
common.js: contains the requirejs config, and it will be the build target for the set of common modules.
page1.js: used for the data-main for page1.html. Loads the common module, then loads app/main1, the main module for page 1.
page2.js: used for the data-main for page2.html. Loads the common module, then loads app/main2, the main module for page 2.