I have two computers and I want both of them to be able to pull/push from the same repo on github as well as deploy to the same app on heroku. I know that Heroku allows you to
I typically store all my Heroku projects in a dropbox folder that is sync'ed to all my computers (also doubles as a very handy backup layer) - I also store my SSH keys in dropbox and then each computer symlinks ~/.ssh to the dropbox path - that way, I use the same key across multiple computers for the same account.
I have never pulled a project from Heroku since working in dropbox folder means all my computers are using the same code but if you're using Github then you don't need to clone from Heroku since your master branch locally and on github should be what is presently live on Heroku and then you should be working in a branch that is merged into master to go live.
This means I can be working on any computer and have the same code in front of me and just need to bundle/migrate my projects to be up and running but there's no reason why you can't just have the project setup and pull from github at which ever computer you're add and provided you add the heroku remotes on both computers you'll be fine.