I am trying to create a function that could accept following
Here struct could be any struct not just a sp
If the map value can be any type, then use reflect to iterate through the map:
if v.Kind() == reflect.Map {
for _, key := range v.MapKeys() {
strct := v.MapIndex(key)
fmt.Println(key.Interface(), strct.Interface())
playground example
If there's a small and known set of struct types, then a type switch can be used:
func process(in interface{}) {
switch v := in.(type) {
case map[string]*Book:
for s, b := range v {
// b has type *Book
fmt.Printf("%s: book=%v\n" s, b)
case map[string]*Author:
for s, a := range v {
// a has type *Author
fmt.Printf("%s: author=%v\n" s, a)
case []*Book:
for i, b := range v {
fmt.Printf("%d: book=%v\n" i, b)
case []*Author:
for i, a := range v {
fmt.Printf("%d: author=%v\n" i, a)
case *Book:
fmt.Ptintf("book=%v\n", v)
case *Author:
fmt.Printf("author=%v\n", v)
// handle unknown type