I read Maven Failsafe plugin is designed specifically to run integration tests. Currently I\'m working on a multi-module project and integration tests are in its own separate mo
Addressing your third question as it isn't really answered, imho.
Can I do my server startup, shut down, file unzipping etc. in the pre-integration-test, post-integration-test phases without writing a maven plugin?
Taken from this answer to "Maven Failsafe Plugin: how to use the pre- and post-integration-test phases"
It boils down to: pre-integration-test
and post-integration-test
do nothing per default. You can bind a plugin specific for your task to those phases. Finding a specific plugin depends on what you're trying to do.
Another important thing to point out is default naming conventions used by the maven-failsafe-plugin
: It runs test-classes with names starting or ending with IT
(as integration test class)