A colleague once said that God is killing a kitten every time I write a for-loop.
When asked how to avoid for-loops, his answer was to use a functional language. However
You can refactor your code well enough so that you won't see them often. A good function name is definitely more readable that a for loop.
Taking the example from AndyC :
// mystrings is a string array
List myList = new List();
foreach(string s in mystrings)
if(s.Length > 5)
// mystrings is a string array
List myList = mystrings.Where(t => t.Length > 5)
Wheter you use the first or the second version inside your function, It's easier to read
var filteredList = myList.GetStringLongerThan(5);
Now that's an overly simple example, but you get my point.