Calling clist -l
gives me a list of packages with versions:
7zip.install 16.04
ccleaner 5.28.6005
How do I ge
Since you want to omit the version I used the choco upgrade:
# Filter for selecting packages, if empty will match all.
# I do this at times to see whats installed for my company packages
$PkgPrefix = ""
$cmd = "cup -y "
Test-WSMan $server | Out-Null
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $server -Credential ( Import-Clixml -Path $CredenitalFile ) -Verbose -Authentication Negotiate
$(clist -lo -r --id-starts-with "$PkgPrefix" )| % { $cmd += "$($_.Split( "|" )[0]),"}
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock $cmd
As Gary suggested, a configuration file might be an easier solution to maintain. I server up my configurations on a web-server, so I can just shell in and execute one command to install everything and have the ability to make a simple XSL style sheet for viewing.
cinst -y $( ( [xml]( Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://softwareList.config) ).packages.package | Select id ).id
Or you could just save it locally and call it with all the information:
(iwr -Uri http://softwareList.config).content | Out-File "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\list.config" -Encoding utf8;
cinst "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\list.config -y