I could grep through /etc/passwd but that seems onerous. \'finger\' isn\'t installed and I\'d like to avoid that dependency. This is for a program so it would be nice if there
My code works in bash and ksh, but not dash or old Bourne shell. It reads the other fields too, in case you might want them.
IFS=: read user x uid gid gecos hm sh < <( getent passwd $USER )
echo "$name"
You could also scan the whole /etc/passwd file. This works in plain Bourne shell, in 1 process, but not so much with LDAP or what.
while IFS=: read user x uid gid gecos hm sh; do
[ $uid -ge 1000 -a $uid -lt 60000 ] && echo "$name"
done < /etc/passwd
On the other hand, using tools is good. And C is good too.