I\'m using CMake version 2.8 on WinXP SP3. Whenever i run my CMakeLists script by default CMake use Visual Studio 10 compiler. I\'ve tried to do:
You only have to set the toolchain/output format once, typically you'd do this upon running cmake for the first time:
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .
Instead of the dot you can use your own parameters (if any) and/or the path to the source.
As an alternative, especially when you're new to CMake, use the GUI version under windows (run cmake-gui
without parameters instead of cmake
Once opened, set your paths and click on "Configure". If there's no compiler set, it will ask you to pick one (otherwise you have to clear the cache to make it reappear).
Updated configuration values will appear in red and it will also allow you to select files and paths using the common Windows dialog boxes.
Once configuration is complete and without errors you can hit "generate" to create your makefiles or project files. To update these later on, you can use cmake-gui
again or just use the usual command line version cmake