I think the fullcalendar jquery-plugin is a really great solution. However, I noticed the plugin escapes (htmlEscape) the title. But I need to format some strings in the title,
I ended up doing something like this to put a link next to the time. Something similar should work for the title:
events: [
<% @schedule.events.each do |event| %>
// Render your events here as needed
// I added a custom attribute called eventDeleteLink, to be used below
<% end %>
// Add this piece:
eventRender: function(event, element) {
element.find(".fc-event-time").append(" " + event.eventDeleteLink);
So this uses jQuery's append() to add a space any a delete link after the time and it works fine for basic stuff.
What it didn't work for (and what I'd love to see a solution for, if anyone has one) is including code with nested quotes or double quotes. For instance, I was unable to add an onClick trigger because of the need (in my case) for single quotes within double quotes. I couldn't figure out how to escape them and not have (what I believe is) fullCalendar re-escaping them.
Anyway, for basic text, this worked for me.