I\'ve read a few questions such as Scala vs Haskell discussing the merits of both languages or which to learn, but I already know that I\'d like to learn Scala. I was a Java pro
For me, I want to learn Scala and functional programming; and, thus simply, I am learning Scala. My study material is Programming Scala. After I have read the early chapter on syntx and stuff, I have skipped chapter covering OO stuff and jumped to Chapter 8 which cover the functional programming stuff. There I let myself struggle with FP.
I read this scala code, which is written in FP way and analyze it. You want to learn Scala for "...an improvement on Java for personal projects." and Haskell for FP intro. So, it seems that first of all, you want to be productive with your java project and then grasp FP as a side effect. To be productive, you have to master the language. There are much to learn and master the language and the only way to master the language is that you have to write the code in that language. As you learn/use Scala, you can't avoid FP out right even if you want to. I have been reading the Scala blogs(the book too) and the authors always go out of their way to do explanation when it comes to FP concept. You don't have to worry about not grasping FP by going Scala route. Yes, you can draw inspiration from Haskell like this when you are learning Scala. Or as Chris Turner above have pointed out, you can delve into more FP when you are already productive with Scala.
You wanna go to point A, why not go to point A directly? If you go via the route of point B (Haskell), you will have to postpone your productivity as Pere Villega mentioned.